Arrival Procedures
Students may arrive for Breakfast at 8:05 AM.
Non-Breakfast students may enter at 8:15 AM.
Tardy bell is 8:30 AM.
Please do not arrive/drop off before 8:00 AM.
Walker Dismissal
Parents, please let your teacher know if your child is a walker.
- To speed up the process and remain consistent, please do not change unless absolutely necessary.
Walkers exit on the north side at Door B.
- Parents, if you park off school grounds* and walk up to meet students, please exit immediately.
*We consider this walking.
Note: All Kindergarteners will be dismissed first and meet parents at Door A.
- Siblings must exit door B and walk to Door A.
Car Rider Dismissal
Please let your teacher know if your child is a car rider.
- To speed up the process and remain consistent, please do not change unless absolutely necessary.
ALL car riders will exit the Main Entrance.
- Parents please remain in the double car line.
- Staff will bring students to you.
- Placing your student’s name sign in the car window will speed up the process.
Important Note
- Use extra caution when pulling in the drive.
- Please do not block the sidewalk while waiting in the car line.